for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Foodies Kill Their Food

Recently I watched a Buzzfeed video on Youtube, titled Foodies Kill There Food, and basically it showed 3 people who volunteered go out on a farm and kill and prepare their own chicken. They wanted to see how different the farmer's lives are, when it comes to selling and preparing poultry not only for the public but also for themselves. And for the most part the reaction of each person wasn't too surprising. They had to grab the chicken, slit there throats, remove the feathers, take out the insides, and cook it. Pretty much what every farmer does on a daily or weekly basis, so to them it's nothing new, but it was so interesting to see how the people react to preparing a meal completely from scratch. Each volunteer seemed so sensitive. When it was time to slit chicken's throats two of them actually cried, and that made me wonder how I would have reacted to that, or if I even would have been able to do that. I feel like until you do something drastic like that, only then you would appreciate what you eat.

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