for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 1, 2015


These days, it's all about the look, style, weight, anything you can think of to judge someone with. Studies believe that the teenage suicide rates have more than tripled over the last decade. Yet people still sit here wondering why, as if it wasn't already obvious enough, it's always the pressure to be perfect. The list of put downs could go on , it's just ridiculous. I feel as if I'm the only one here thinking, exactly what is perfect, what is beautiful, what is ugly. I don't even see why people still use the reference 'self esteem', because almost no one has any, anymore. It's truly pathetic what people have come too.Perfect is never the same, perfect is the impossible. Perfect is different to everyone, in which no one can be perfect. I mean if you were ask me, no ones literally perfect. What is most awarded for being 'perfect' though, is being skinny, pretty, and popular. Traits that any girl or boy would die for. Well, not every, but most. What is so good about be skinny, pretty, or popular anyway? Sure, you have more friends and people like you, but how do you know that's not all fake, how do you know people don't just like you for your looks? Shouldn't just be personality that matters, because what I've come to realize is that the pretty, skinny, popular people are all rude and tend to have fake personality's. What do people have against being themselves anymore? I always believed that if you were yourself people would like you, clearly, I was mistaken. Basically if you pretend to be nice, or if you're funny people will like you. No one's perfect and no matter if your nice or mean people will always judge. Be yourself and do what benefits you not others. Care for yourself  and only yourself, don't worry about what people think of you because no one else will care more about you than you.


  1. I totally agree with what you had to say here. I believe that society is so hung up on what to wear to school and what makeup will make them look the best because they know people are watching and judging. And it is terrible to think that being yourself is not good enough in societies eyes. But you are good enough, no matter what anyone says. This world has come to idolizing stick figures with fake body parts who wear thousands if not millions of dollars on themselves everyday, and for what? All this does is push ourselves down and cause us to think less of ourselves. I admit it I do the same thing, I work so hard to be what people want me to be, instead of being myself.

  2. I completely agree with you. I think that society has tattooed an image of skinny as perfect and that has totally changed in the past few centuries. The average size of an American woman in this day is a size 14, yet we still idolize an "perfect" image of a size 2. I feel that we need to broaden our horizons and become more open to the idea that a larger, curvier woman is now the average image for women of the 21st century. I agree with you that no one should ever feel that they have to change themselves because of another person's judgement.

  3. Image is everything. Most of the time there is more to a person though. I sometimes wish our generation was like the old times when people actually got to know each other and all these social networks didnt get in the way. Our generation is actually sad. We think just because you have a lot of followers or you dress nice then you are a great cool person. No, you could have a totally messed up personality and it sucks. Someone could have a great personality but not the nicest clothes and people will talk about them. That's not fair. The only choice to get your self esteem up is to be happy within yourself. That way anyone can say whatver they want about you and it will not bother you because you know your worth.


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