for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Expectation of being a man Then v.s Now

Kids grow up with all of these expectations from their parents to behave certain way. Boys in general, are supposed to be seen as tough and strong and parents watch over their children to make sure they act how a boy is suppose to act. Its difficult for a boy or man to not be “strong” because so many people expect him to be tough and unreliant on anyone. Its hard for men to digress from the path of “strength” people expect from them and show their true feelings of being sensitive. Men struggle with showing “true strength” because most people in this world is unaccepting of it. People discourage men who are sensitive and show their feelings, but its easier to have the strength to fight back to someone who is mean to you then it is to be kind to someone who are spiteful and mean to you .

 Nowadays is more accepting of men who are homosexual or act more girly .Back in the day if a man didn’t act like a man he was unwelcomed and called names like “fag” or “queer”. I feel that today men are still expected to act or behave a certain way, but if they don’t people are more accepting of it and being homosexual has less of a negative connotation then it did back then.  

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