for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, March 30, 2015

Random rant about highschool

All of this work in Ms Fletcher's class is stressful. It is getting closer and closer to graduation and everyone is ready to move on with their lives. I am trying hard to get my work done and focus and just finish strong, but it is so hard. Sometimes I feel like why am I still in highschool and I've already got accepted into colleges already. These school days are haunting me. I think instead of complaining I just need to get the work done fast and not procrastinate. On the other hand, I am getting to school on time now!! I can't wait to graduate. I still need to fix some things on my essay and finish vocabulary, and annotate my articles. All of this work is due this week, but I can do it. Finishing strong is what I plan to do.


  1. Graduation is right around the corner, but finishing strong is what you should do Myah. I think not procrastinating is the best answer because none of the work is too difficult that it cant be finished in the amount of time that she gave us. Show the world that these last 13 years of school has paid off!

  2. I think we all know exactly how you're feeling, but you can totally do it and you're going to finish even stronger than you expect! Think of your past years and how stressed you were from previous classes and how you made it to this point in your life successfully. You're 3/4 of the way through. You can do it, girl!

  3. It's so crazy cuz we only have like 10 weeks of school left and we're done. Those 10 weeks are certainly going to go by super quickly so let's enjoy them while they last and then we can officially move on because I'm in the same place/mindset as you, I just want to move on already


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