for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Slut Shaming

         As a girl i feel like theres more pressure added to us when we present ourselves to the public. Every morning we have to wake up and dress presentable in order to not get judged or to be called a slut. We have to deal with constant criticism for every little thing we do. We are observed till something wrong is found and when they find it they pick at till it gets fixed or until they make us feel ashamed of ourselves. I’m not trying to say men don't go through this. Nor am i trying to say men don’t go through much as girls. Rather we just have to deal with Slut shaming.
The word slut. Has lost its meaning and is used commonly and meaninglessly. We throw out words like nothing and don't think of how hurtful they are. The word slut is used to describe a girls sexual action or how they are dressed. 
I was watching a youtube video by my favorite writer Orion Carloto. She touched on the topic about double standards . She was right . Its sad that what men can do a girl can’t. It’s crazy how some girls get judge for the type of shirts they wear. Just because the shirt doesn't cover their stomach . But a guy can go out in the open without a shirt and that is found cute. It just makes no sense that by showing a little cleavage some people think the right word to use is slut. When there are other words to use.
         This could also lead to Cat calling. Guys try to get a girls attention but if we ignore their comments they start disrespecting the girl . I’m not saying ever guy does this. 

We all just need to be educated on slut shaming. Although we use the word meaninglessly , people need to open their eyes and realize that the word is hurtful .


  1. Double standards are something that has been going on for a long time, if not forever. And I agree with you that it is hard to be a girl sometimes because our every action is judged. We cannot do anything without someone commenting on whatever it is we are saying or doing. Girls feel like they have to dress and act the way that society would want them to and it is a hard habit to break because we all just want to fit in. No one likes feeling like the outcast. It is hard because being different is praised, but once you are different people see you as an outsider Being a girl is hard, especially a teenage girl because we are just trying to find ourselves; therefore, making it extremely difficult to be ourselves when all we care about is what others see.

  2. I agree, a girl always has to have a great first impression to everyone. Girls always have to worry about how they look and what they wear to places to look presentable. Girls have to dress "normal" because they can be mistaken for slutty or bummy. Girls have to dress nice too look classy or educated. It's definitely hard being a girl because we can't get ready in 2 min like guys and look presentable. we have so much pressure in the way we present ourselves . Our first impression will always stick with us.

  3. I agree with this post. A girl can do the same thing a boy does and still get called names. Me Michelle and Jeremy had a conversation about this is Ms. Fletcher's class one day. It's sad how society views a girl wearing short shorts or a crop top as mean names and a guy without a shirt on is okay. Double Standards are something that has been going on for a very long time and will probably never go away. Since when was it okay for a guy to do the same thing as a girl, but the girl is the bad person. Being a teenage girl in high school is difficult when you are still trying to find yourself but also be accepted.

  4. I agree, every morning it's the pressure of looking nice or not looking nice, if you try to always look your best you are conceded and you are trying to hard to impress someone. If you don't look nice or something isn't quite right you are lazy, slob and etc. When you mess up or make a mistake you are thought of as less or stupid, but when you try hard and are well collected people call you miss perfect and make fun of you because you are always trying to do things the right way. Society is always judging what the girls are wearing everything is always based on your first impression and it's much more tougher for girls to be seen for who they are and not how they look

  5. If you look up the word "slut" in the dictionary, you'll find that the definition is an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute. Since when has the way girls dressed determine if they are a slut or not? Our appearance does not in anyway justifies our actions. It's like assuming that a person with tattoos is incapable of their job; it's a physical property. That's the thing that I don't like about dress code. We all understand that the rules should be enforced to a certain extent, but why is it that even if our shorts are a half-inch too short, we are seen as immodest. Clothes are for comfort and to look good (for ourselves, in my eyes). We are trying to distract people by the way we dress.

  6. I agree with this post and I especially agree with the idea that women should not be shamed for their attire or looks; however, at the same time, men face this kind of adversity as well. Men are ridiculed for what they wear all the time, maybe not as much as females, but it surely happens. Men can also be bullied online just as frequently as women. Although it is a sad and disgusting part of humanity, bullying must be stopped and it starts with my peers and I.

  7. You really spoke my mind Valeria! Everything you said was true, and men, or should I say boys, just don't understand how good they have it. Most of everything they do is okay, but as soon as a female does it she is immediately judged. I have a first hand at this because when I lived with my grandmother and my cousins who were all boys used to be able to say, do, dress, and act any kind of way that they wanted to. But when I did it I was looked at as disrespectful, tomboyish, sloppy, and gay. It's just not fair what we have to go through because of the "double standard" and I would pay anything to have it banished and everyone to be treated equally.

  8. It really is a sad reality. It irritates me that girls are looked down on as sluts just for wearing something that isn’t ‘lady like’. We all know that living here in Cali can bring really hot weather and wearing jeans or capris with a baggy t-shirt ain’t going to cut it. So as men go walking around shirtless why can’t we go walking around in shorts n crop tops to cool ourselves down? If people react badly by calling women sluts for that then what do they have to say about our bathing suits? Even if you weren't living in California or any other hot weather place, women and even men should still have the luxury to dress more freely without having to worry about being judged.


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