for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, March 2, 2015

The early bird catches the grumpies

The modern American school system can be both beneficial and can hinder ones ability to learn and advance through education. One way that can maximize the amount of students who benefit from the system is to have the schools start a little bit later in the morning. Startng school at a later time will ensure that the students are at their pinnacle of focus and attention and this can transfer into better grades, better test scores, and less acting out and getting in trouble.
As it is right now, I would say that starting school around 7 or 8 o'clock is a little bit too early and students are struggling to keep awake in class and are unable to legitimately focus for an hour at a time. Once it hits around third or fourth period, most peers have shaken off the cobwebs for the day and are more prepared to take that test or write that essay at a later time than an earlier time.
I feel that starting schools at around 10 o'clock would be the perfect time where schools would still be able to operate on a normal schedule, but the overall morale of the student body would be a lot more confident and satisfied with a later start. Although a change like this one could take a while, I speak on behalf of myself and my fellow peers when I say starting school at a later time wil be beneficial for all.    -che


  1. I agree that school should start at a later time as well. I go to bed at a decent hour every night, usually somewhere around ten o'clock and if I let my body wake up by itself I usually wake up around eight. So it would be pretty beneficial for me if school started around nine or ten.

  2. I agree that school should start later. Atleast at like 9 like on Mondays. Waking up at for school on Mondays are just glorious. I feel a lot more energetic and well rested and life is amazing. Students wouldn't be so grumpy and tired everyday and would probably actually get more work done.

  3. I don't have a problem with the school schedule as it is presently. Being an early bird myself, waking up on a Saturday morning before 7 is not uncommon for me. Furthermore, I'd rather start early to get out early rather than the opposite. Getting out earlier allows me to utilize more time after school for more productive things, such as work. Although this may not be the most healthy thing, less sleep has allowed my body to adjust to functioning throughout the day with 5 or 6 hours as compared to 7 or 8. All in all, the earlier hours of school have a more beneficial effect on me than later hours would.

  4. I agree with the fact that it would eliminate bad grades, test scores, and behavorial problems but at the same time we would be getting out later. I like the fact that we get out at 2:36 allowing us to do a lot after school. But if we were to start at 10 then we would get out at around 6 o' clock. In my perspective the later school starts the lazier I would get. and then I would probably also be going to bed later, as I do on Mondays because I know we have late start. So all in all Maybe starting at 10 a.m would be not so much of a blessing, but more of a curse.


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