for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, March 2, 2015

We Need Feminism

"I'm not a feminist," I heard a guy in one of my classes say. After that one statement was said, others in the discussion began to agree with him, unaware of what the word "feminist" actually meant.

Just because the prefix "fem-" is found in the word feminism does not entail that females are superior in any way to men. This may be one of the reasons why people are offended by the word because they think the word means a woman who wants to achieve greater status than man, so she shames him. The feminism movement isn't one that hates on men. If you look up the word feminism in the dictionary, it is the advocacy of women's rights on the groups of political, social, and economic equality to men. Maybe people believed that the word meant, "I'm a woman who supports women," rather than, "I'm a person who supports women."

So why do we need feminism? Why do I need feminism?

We need feminism because girls shouldn't feel afraid to walk home alone. We need feminism because I'm tired of hearing how girls shouldn't be good at science or math because it's a man's subject. We need feminism because guys shouldn't be the only ones subject to chivalry and good manners. We need feminism because guys can also be subjected to domestic violence, but won't be taken as seriously.


  1. I agree with your comment Keaulani, girls need more equality with men, they need to be looked up more upon like men. Women can become scientists like men, they can do what ever they want and be smart and anything like men. If women want to fight for feminism then I agree with them because men can make a mistake and won't be looked down upon, but if a girl makes a simple small mistake like 2+2=5 then they will be looked down upon greatly. I think that society today needs to change for the better of us the human race we need to treat everyone as equal even if they're a girl.

  2. not only is feminism a way to support women but also wants the equality rights for same pay. Why should men have a higher paying job then a woman under the same job title. Feminism is protesting our rights just like men fought during the great depression because man were only aloud to wear full body suits than shorts. '"feminism is a start for not being sorry. Not being sorry for what you were taught to be sorry for." quote by Amy Poehler, this statement is fact woman should not feel the need to be sorry for wanting to do what they decide on perusing in life.

  3. I agree with you, Keaulani. My view on feminism is that both genders should be completely equal. I believe that men and women can excel in the same categories side by side and still do extremely well. I don't understand the stereotype that women are weak or that women are unable to handle themselves because I know tons of women who are strong and independent. A woman should not feel lesser in intelligence or physical ability of a man because she's smaller and has nicer hair.


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